Episode Transcript
The slide is a podcast that will address critical areas in our community, one being conflict resolution and another economic development to give individuals the opportunity to engage in critical thought, to challenge current, assumptions, and just see if some of those things that we have, valued, for the course of our life. See if it's still relevant.
My name is Tavares Bethel, host of the slide What I realized engaging in conflict resolution mediations was that it wasn't a conflict between two individuals, the conflicts were more interpersonal conflicts. There are some things that we haven't even discovered about ourselves as of yet that, limit our ability to be effective in our own lives and when we can see those things, then we can remove some of those barriers that prevent us from being successful.
The podcast will attack four domains, principally, our political understanding, our educational destiny, our economic outcomes, and our street sense to create the consciousness that will allow us to entertain new ideas in order to be able to shape our outcomes.
When you look at the black community, in general, there's a large disconnect between our scholarship and our street sense. The goal would be to have a national level of understanding that we talk about everything to connect the forgotten part of our community to scholarship and knowledge as well.
We're all here together, and we want to be able to discuss everything that affects society, right? And so what we're going to do is we want to normalize some of those things. We got to destroy the concept of race, right? The concept that prevents us from being able to see each other as equals that is rooted in the sickness of race. We have to be able to eradicate that.
When I think about revolution, I think about like in the 70s when they used to say the revolution will not be televised. And actually, you know, the root word of revolution being revolt, we've been revolting and it has been televised. Revolt is the foundation of our society. Revolution is the only thing that we know, but what we haven't experienced is evolution. The evolution hasn't been televised.
And so what I would like the slide to do is to aid in the evolution of human consciousness. this podcast would be a step in that direction, because it's necessary.
And so, we slide on every concept. We slide on every topic. We don't have anything that we won't approach or discuss. And there's no fear. It's all about slides. So we're going to just jump on and we're going to slide.